When moving or copying files (we’re primarily going to refer to moving files, though you could also be copying files) from a source folder to a destination folder, there are a number of options for how file merging is performed. But we’re going to start with just the Finder we use every day, and try out some of its merging options. Of course, there are quite a few third-party utilities that can perform the merge function for you there are even some Apple utilities that can assist in this undertaking.

Seems simple enough, but for a long time this type of basic file/folder manipulation was beyond the capabilities of the Mac’s Finder. When there are two files with the same name, you want the most recent version to be used, and the older one to be replaced. In either case, the goal is to unite the two folders so they contain all of the files found in each one. Or perhaps you’re working on a project on just one Mac, but you have a folder for the currently active project, and one for the updates you’re planning to perform. It seems to happen quite often when you have a project you’re working on in two different locations, say at home and at work.
While there are a few issues that are often mentioned, the one we’re going to address here is how to merge folders that have the same name. One of the shortcomings of the Finder is the lack of options when it comes to managing folders and their content.